Thursday, April 10, 2008

a new zeal

This is an area where I see a great cloud of deception over the church. I pray with several folks for an hour and a half every morning for God's will to be done over the city He has sovereignly placed us in, for His Spirit to break through here and make the major changes He wants to make.

So if I see this (cessationism and all its evil crones) as a major enemy hidden in the church here, and I am committed to pray for the needed breakthrough,then LOGICALLY (wonderful word/concept when it is not being used to support oppression) I will be eager to join the fight at the place where I most clearly see the greatest need. And the "not-carnal-but-mighty-through-God" weapons I have available for use in this fight include entirely non-cessationist active gifts in prophecy and discernment of spirits, tongues and interpretation and faith--along with a well-practiced willingness to work together with others who are anointed and gifted with compatible gifts to use for the edifying of the church.

So here goes! I am not going to stay under the bushel basket any longer. May God shed His light through this willing vessel as through many others everywhere--the establishment of His Kingdom depends on it!



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